Centralized Quick Start Guide

IMPORTANT: Forge is currently in beta and available to select customers. To check eligibility or join the waitlist, contact EasyPost Sales.


The Centralized white-label option in Forge is designed for platforms and marketplaces that want to maintain complete payment control. This option routes all shipping activity through the platform’s carrier accounts and billing, allowing control over postage pricing and fees.

For this option, the sub account object type is Child Users.

IMPORTANT: Before starting, review the prerequisites section of the Get Started with Forge guide to understand white-label implementations with EasyPost.

Child Users API Onboarding

Forge supports API-based onboarding for Child Users, allowing platforms to build a custom onboarding flow and integrate reporting functionality.

To onboard Child Users via API, use the Users API to create and manage sub accounts. A Child User is a dependent account linked to a Parent User, inheriting certain attributes while remaining under the platform’s control.

Child Users can only be created in Production mode using the platform’s API Key and the POST /users endpoint, or through the Forge Dashboard Sub Accounts page.

Once a Child User is created, securely store the API keys for future use. If API keys are lost, they can be retrieved from the Sub Account Details page.

POST /users
1curl -X POST https://api.easypost.com/v2/users \
3  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
4  -d '{
5    "user": {
6      "name": "Child Account Name"
7    }
8  }'

Child User Carrier Account Management

Upon creation, a Child User automatically inherits the Parent User’s USPS account and select EasyPost-Powered Carrier Accounts. These accounts are billed through the platform’s wallet.

To add additional carriers:

Child User Shipment Creation

The process for creating shipments for Child Users is identical to creating shipments for Parent Users, except that the Child User’s API Keys must be used.

A shipment object consists of:

  • A valid to_address and from_address
  • A parcel with shipping details
  • Any required forms for international deliveries

Once a shipment is created, a shipment object is used to retrieve shipping rates and purchase a label.

Child User Billing Management

Postage, parcel insurance fees, and carrier adjustment charges for Child User accounts are billed to the Parent User’s billing methods. This allows marketplaces and platforms to maintain complete pricing control over their customers’ shipping costs.

Billing settings can be managed through the Forge Billing Page or via API. All activity is tracked to each individual child sub account, simplifying financial reporting and reconciliation for the marketplace or platform.

Additional Resources

Please visit the Help Center for more information.