Child Users

A Child User can be created for the purpose of organizing larger integrations with EasyPost. If you are representing multiple end users, each with their own set of carrier credentials it can make sense to organize them under a Child User.

Other than organizing activity and CarrierAccounts, the central advantage of a Child User is that billing flows through the parent's payment information. This allows the child to not have to duplicate payment information.

The structure of a Child User is identical to its parent, which means that their representations contain many more properties than are actually used. As well, creating a Child User requires almost none of the properties necessary for creating a top-level User.

Production OnlyThis call will only work with your Production API Key.

Create a Child User

A Child User uses the billing information of the parent, and is not able to log in to the website. Any User creation attempt made with an authenticated request (via API key or cookie) is assumed to be the creation of a child of that User.

The name attribute is the only user-settable value on child accounts. It is also optional, as one will be automatically generated if it is not supplied.

Request Parameters

i.e. Child Account Name
POST /users
1curl -X POST \
3  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
4  -d '{
5    "user": {
6      "name": "Child Account Name"
7    }
8  }'
2  "id": "user_d2539e6862fe4f389f735c7c00aaa37a",
3  "object": "User",
4  "parent_id": "user_060ab38db3c04ffaa60f262e5781a9be",
5  "name": "Test User",
6  "phone_number": "8005550100",
7  "verified": true,
8  "created_at": "2024-01-24T00:07:48Z",
9  "default_carbon_offset": false,
10  "has_elevate_access": false,
11  "children": [],
12  "api_keys": [
13    {
14      "object": "ApiKey",
15      "key": "<REDACTED>",
16      "mode": "test",
17      "created_at": "2024-01-24T00:07:48Z",
18      "active": true,
19      "id": "ak_afdf54db97e24e4aa7354527c8aa3be0"
20    },
21    {
22      "object": "ApiKey",
23      "key": "<REDACTED>",
24      "mode": "production",
25      "created_at": "2024-01-24T00:07:48Z",
26      "active": true,
27      "id": "ak_da39a3c4afd946e1b77a578ec211e816"
28    }
29  ]

Production OnlyThis call will only work with your Production API Key.

Retrieve all Child Users

A list of all Child User objects associated with the given API Key can also be retrieved. See the Pagination section of our docs for more details on retrieving all records when multiple pages are available.

Request Parameters

i.e. user_...
Optional pagination parameter. Only records created after the given ID will be included.
i.e. 30
The number of records to return on each page. The maximum value is 100, and default is 20.
GET /users/children
1curl -X GET "" \
2  "children": [
3    {
4      "id": "user_0ae8cb7000a1438c8598fa5786fdae84",
5      "object": "User",
6      "parent_id": "user_060ab38db3c04ffaa60f262e5781a9be",
7      "name": "Test User",
8      "phone_number": "8005550100",
9      "verified": true,
10      "created_at": "2022-10-17T17:28:30Z"
11    }
12  ],
13  "has_more": false

Production OnlyThis call will only work with your Production API Key.

Delete a Child User

A Child User may be removed from its parent. The parent's Production API Key must be used for the request; a Child User may not remove itself from its parent.

A successful delete will return a 204 status code and an empty JSON response.

DELETE /users/:child_id
1curl -X DELETE \